BTL provides cross-border freight services, facilitating transport to neighboring countries such as Myanmar, Laos, and Vietnam, as well as to any other countries as per customer requirements. Our services include customs clearance, shipping, import, export, domestic freight bulk cargo through trucking, rail transport, sea freight, and air transport. Additionally, we offer cargo handling, donkey transfer, and bonded warehouse services.

  • Transportation service


    • Cross Border Logistics Management
    • In-Transit Cargo Logistics Management
    • Transshipment Cargo
    • Import-Export
    • Domestics Logistics Management
    • Sea Freight
    • Project Shipment
    • Bonded Warehouse
    • Customs Broker
  • Logistics shipping Cross border service provider

    BTL's service area

    • Thailand
    • Lao P.D.R.
    • Cambodia
    • Myanmar
    • Vietnam
    • South china
    • Malaysia

        Note: Other countries, available upon request.